RCOE CTI Education Specialist Intern Program

In May, 2019, Riverside County Office of Education (RCOE) received approval from the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) to offer an intern program for Education Specialists. The new program offers a Mild/Moderate or a Moderate/Severe Education Specialist teaching credential. Interested individuals can earn a teaching credential while teaching in their …

Partnering Agencies

Induction: A Key Tool for Recruiting and Retaining Teachers The National Association of State Boards of Education states that effective teaching is the primary factor that influences student achievement after accounting for student characteristics. New teachers typically require from three to five years to teach at a level that maximizes …

Online Induction

CTI offers an online, job-embedded professional teacher induction program that helps employed teachers clear a California Preliminary General Education credential or Education Specialist teacher credential. CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS

California programs to entice would-be teachers to the classroom

If you have any desire to be a math or science teacher in California, there is no shortage of programs to help you achieve that goal. In an effort to lure more people to the profession, the California Department of Education, California State University, the University of California and nonprofits such as 100Kin10 have all created programs to …